
How to Blend Classic and Contemporary Styles in Home Interior Design

  • Thu, Aug 15, 2024
  • 0 Min Read
White Horse

Home interior design without modernity is not acceptable in the modern world, but if you want to make it look royal and appealing, you can't forget classical concepts. The mix of classic and contemporary styles is a great combination to make your interiors the best in every aspect. While classic styles focus on extreme comfort, luxurious appeal, rich value, and premium ambiance, contemporary styles are associated with more functionality, simplicity, and creativity. Today, we will discuss how to blend classic and contemporary styles. Let's dive deep into it. 

What are Classic Styles? 

Before blending classic and contemporary styles in new home interior design, it's important to understand classic and contemporary styles. Starting with classic styles. Classic styles are basically timeless styles that haven't lost their shine and charm for centuries. They mainly focus on luxury, high standards, premium quality & durability, royal appeal, and next-level comfort. Everything used in classic styles is expensive and has its own worth & charm. Simply put every piece in the classic styles bespoke high status and bold attitude.


What are Contemporary Styles? 

Contemporary styles are nothing but modern styles that follow modern trends and technology. Instead of royal looks, heavy decor, and shine, contemporary styles focus on minimalism, functionality, and modernity. Technology is at the core of contemporary styles, due to which they offer the highest level of convenience. Moreover, these styles are always biased towards neutrality, whether it be colors or structure. However, the architecture in contemporary styles is modern, optimum, and appealing. 

5 Ways To Blend Classic And Contemporary Styles

 Now that you know classic and contemporary styles, it's time to understand how one can create a perfect blend of both. Here are five simple and effective ways to create an incredible blend of classic and contemporary styles in architecture home interior design

Classic Design & Contemporary Structure 

There is no doubt that today, architecture is very important because the area is limited. In such cases, space management is essential. The first and best way to blend classic and contemporary styles is to choose contemporary architecture and classic design. Contemporary architectures are modern, space-efficient, and, most importantly, functional. Classic styles usually didn't focus on free space, but today, free space is one of the biggest assets in a modern home. With a contemporary design, one can get unique architecture with optimum free space. Now, go with classic designs to make your structure look more royal and valuable. For this, you can opt for heavy textures, premium materials, royal art pieces, and decor items. Now, don't search for a home interior designer near me for this because it can be achieved only with premium designers like White Horse Spaces.


Classic Frames & Contemporary Lighting


Lighting is one of the essential parts of modern home interior design, and blending contemporary and classic styles here is the biggest flex you can give. The idea is very simple. You just have to explore classic frames like chandeliers, luxurious lamps, and classical lanterns. These frames will provide an authentic classic look & feel. Now, to spread their luxury in every corner of the home, you need top-notch lighting. For this, you can choose modern lighting but with classical colors. Yes, modern lighting will take care of brightness and energy efficiency, and classic colors create a perfect fit with classical frames. Many classic and royal color options are available, such as fused yellow, golden white, snow pink, dark red, light yellow, etc. You can also use modern frames and colors to create a deep blend.


Neutral Color Pallet 


The easiest way to blend classic and contemporary styles in interior design is by choosing a neutral color pallet. Colors are an important part of every style, and you will see a massive difference in colors in classic and contemporary styles. Classic styles focus on bold, royal, and dark color palettes, while contemporary styles promote light, creative, and soothing colors. The best way to blend both styles using colors is neutrality. A neutral color pallet is neither too bold nor too light. Creating a vibrant color combination is a great idea to achieve this. Accent coloring is another effective way to include contemporary and classic colors. One can create appealing, unique color combinations, creating a perfect blend of modernity and luxury. The easiest way to stand out is to choose natural color combinations that include contemporary and classic colors.


Materials & Texture


One of the most recommended ways to implement a mix of contemporary and classic styles in detail is to play with materials & texture. Classic styles are always associated with premium quality, while contemporary focuses on feel. And this combination is really good for everyone as high quality ensures durability and modern touch appeals & satisfies the new generation. So, while selecting decor items, furniture, and other stuff, make sure to go with classic materials. It will provide strength, attitude, and durability. To create a stunning piece, you can also mix classic materials like premium wood, metal, and stones with modern materials like plastic, glass, etc. Anyway, if you are done with material selection, it's time to focus on texture that will provide a contemporary feel. For this, you can check modern textures like smooth, glassy, geometric, etc. Various other options are also these so you can choose accordingly.


Art & Technology


The combination of authentic art and technology defines the blend of contemporary & classic styles in the best way. Both art and technology are evolving rapidly, but they are not leaving their roots. Art is the specimen of classic styles, while contemporary styles are incomplete without technology. In that case, you are ready to decorate your interiors with classical art and improve the functionality with modern technology. Choosing authentic art pieces, especially handcrafted, royal sculptures, traditional crafts, timeless mirrors, and antique display items, is the best way to include classic styles in your interiors. Similarly, using futuristic lighting, modern appliances, and advanced electronics made your interiors the center of modern technology. In this way, your interiors will not only look royal but also function modernly. The best thing is that this combination will never end, and one can go as deep as possible.



That's it for today. The most demanding blend of contemporary and classic styles in home interior design is now within reach of everyone. After going through this blog, anyone can achieve this combination. A modern home with a blend of contemporary and classic styles is always astonishing, and people are always curious about such blends. The above-mentioned ways are simple, effective, and suitable for everyone. One can implement them even on a low budget. However, it is always advised to choose a leading interior design agency like White Horse Spaces to create and implement such super-exclusive blends.



Are there more ways to achieve a blend of contemporary and classic styles? 

There are endless ways, but the above ones are affordable and require less time & resources. 

Do you charge an extra amount for such blends? 

There is no extra cost for this. We only charge for the implementation & materials. 

Can we achieve this during the renovation? 

Of course, you can achieve this anytime, and some ways are extremely convenient. 

Where should the focus be more: contemporary or classic? 

It depends upon your choice. However, to create a perfect blend, there is no rule. We just have to focus on the linking.

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